- A Sud Ecologia e Cooperazione
- Aitec
- Alle Dörfer Bleiben (All villages stay)
- ATTAC España
- Attac France
- Attac Österreich
- BankTrack
- Biofuelwatch
- Bomenstichting Achterhoek
- BUNDjugend / Young Friends of the Earth germany
- CADTM France
- Cambridge Doughnut Economics Action Group
- Cambs Climate Justice Coalition
- Campaign against Climate Change
- CAN Europe
- Canopée
- CCFD - Terre Solidaire
- Changing Markets Foundation
- Chesterfield Climate Alliance
- Climate Action Network France
- Climáximo
- Collectif BreakFree Suisse
- Communication Workers Union (UK) NW Health, Safety & Environment Forum
- Cooperativa CICrA Justicia Ambiental
- Corporate Europe Observatory
- Culture Unstained
- Danish Association for a Living Sea
- Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse (The Green Youth Movement)
- Deutsche Stiftung Meeresschutz
- Divest Parliament
- Eco Action Families
- Eco Dharma Network
- Ecologistas en Acción
- European Coordination Via Campesina (ECVC)
- Emergenza Climatica
- Enginyeria sense Fronteres
- Environmental Action South Yorkshire
- Environmental Investigation Agency
- ElasmOcean e.V.
- Extinction Rebellion Leeds
- Feminist Exchange Network
- Focus Association for Sustainable Development
- Food & Water Action Europe
- Fossil Free Sweden
- Fresh Eyes
- Fridays For Future - Soder om Soder (FFF SOS)
- Friends of the Earth Cyprus
- Friends of the Earth Europe
- Friends of the Earth Malta
- Friends of the Earth Norway (Naturvernforbundet)
- Friends of the Earth Scotland
- Fundación APY
- Fundacja "Rozwój TAK-Odkrywki NIE"
- GAFE-France
- Gallifrey Foundation
- Glasgow Calls Out Polluters
- Global Justice Now
- Gower St
- Grandparents For Future Austria
- Green Mazovia Assocciation
- Green New Deal Norwich
- Grup de Científics i Tècnics per un Futur No Nuclear - GCTPFNN
- Hellenic Platform for Development
- Islamic Relief Worldwide
- Journalists for Human Rights (JHR)
- Jugendrat Wien
- Just Transition Wakefield
- Kolektiv Z
- Law 4 Palestine
- Leave it in the Ground Initiative (LINGO)
- Legambiente
- Les Amis de la Terre France
- London Mining Network
- Mary Robertson Foundation
- Movimento No TAP/SNAM di Brindisi
- Music Declares Emergency
- New World Research
- NOAH- Friends of the Earth Denmark
- Nottingham Climate Assembly
- Novact
- Observatori DESC (Economic, Social, Cultural and Environmental Rights Observatory)
- Oil Workers' Rights Protection Organization Public Union
- Parents For Future Austria
- Per il Clima Fuori dal Fossile
- Project HEARD
- Rapid Transition Alliance
- Razom We Stand
- Reclaim Finance
- Reclame Fossielvrij
- reGeneration Weston
- Research-Intellectual Club “Dialogue of Generations” RICDOG
- RIPESS Europe - Solidarity Economy Europe
- Save Inishowen from Gold Mining
- Sciaena
- Seas At Risk
- SETEM Catalunya
- Stamp Out Poverty
- Stop Ny Fossil Infrastruktur
- Stowarzayszenie Ekologiczne EKO-UNIA, Poland
- Stowarzyszenie Pracownia na rzecz Wszystkich Istot
- System Change Not Climate Change
- The Greens Movement of Georgia
- The Zetkin Collective
- Tipping Point UK
- Transition Crich
- Trócaire
- Umanotera, The Slovenian Foundation for Sustainable Development
- Unite Commuity York
- urgewald
- WeMove Europe
- Women's Environmental Network (WEN)
- Working group Food Justice
- Yorkshire and Humber Climate Justice Coalition
- The Zetkin Collective